Welcome to my Github site

A portfolio about me and my work

About Me

I am an IT enthusiast studying Game Development at the University Of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. I have most experience with these concepts:

  • Unity Game Engine with a focus on the C# language and component oriented programming
  • Basic webgame development as a Jr IT Specialist-Application Developer at ING
  • Game programming at a level of understanding data structures and usage of design patterns from jobs, multiple school projects and interships
  • Multiplayer game programming as ING intern and as a student writing a paper using Photon Unity3D Networking Framework
  • Communication of IT and Quantum Technology doing events for ING's Research And Development Department


Bob's Mayhem

During the Global Game Jam NL 2021 I worked toghether with a team of friends from the University on a game called Bob's Mayhem. Bob's mayhem is about an employee at an airport matching luggage descriptions to luggage items on a very chaotic first day. Out of 93 entries we ranked 3rd with 27 ratings (Score: 4.067).

During this project I worked the drop point and its interactions with the player, a scriptable object event system for taking care of the gameplay events during the game and creating a gameplay loop making it possible to play through the game multiple times without closing the application.

Geld Zeker App

Doing my minor in Zwolle I worked on a multidisciplinary project called Geld Zeker. Combining Art, Law, Communication, Social and IT studies we worked to create a mobile application that could help immagrants during their integration in dutch society. The problem to tackle: The dutch financial system.

During this project I worked on Scene Management, Progression using Quests and Player Properties, Dialogue, Introduction and Saving and Loading of player data at runtime.

After our presentation at Winnovation 2021, our project was declared the winner over more than 90 other projects of which I created a LinkedIn Post.

Maze Generation

A project I started when I was looking for an intership to graduate as a GameDeveloper, receiving an application assignment from a company I was interested in, asking me to create a maze using an algorithm of my choice in a short ammount of time.

After handing in my entry I expanded on what I had originaly build, adding 9 new algorithms to create the maze making it a total of 10 and a user interface to manage options regarding the generation.

Hunter Gatherers

Hunter Gatherers is a multiplayer real-time strategy game in which you try to survive on a island that is flooding. Your goal is to be the last tribe standing. You gather resources, place down your camp to rest and craft, and then pack it back up to outrun the flood.

During the project my main job was to provide the multiplayer functionalities to the game. This included connecting and joining rooms, seperated player properties, raising events, synchonization of game objects, pooling and raising of request. I wrapped all these functionalities into one big wrapper class to make switching multiplayer libraries a lot easier aswell.


How do I create a 2d multiplayer racing game with lag and packet loss compensation and desync-avoidance? This was the research question I posed for a school assignment I did as a GameDevelopment student at the University Of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. To find this out i took a look at the Photon Unity3D Networking Framework and created a project using Photon for the Unity Engine, to research this very topic.

During the project I researched a variety of subjects:

  • Multiplayer programming using the Photon Framework
  • DeadReckoning
  • 2D Game Development in Unity

Qboard game

Working at ING as a Jr IT Specialist-Application Developer I was part of a team working on an web application to communicate the basics of quantum computing. I did this together with a Quantum Engineering, a game designer and another game programmer.

During the progression of this application i presented the progress to stakeholders at ING and on events in holland and in belgium.

The Boat Game

In The Boat Game, all players are assigned a role on a ship after which the crew has complete a variety of quests while remaining afloat. This game's first version was build together with another intern and an employee at ING after which another intern group juiced up the game with animations, updated models and VFX.

During the project I used a variety of libraries and techniques:

  • Multiplayer programming using the Photon Framework
  • VR development in Unity using SteamVR
  • Git for version control
  • Trello for workflow

During this time I also wrote a research paper on delegates in C#


Developed with kotlin in android studio, the mathrecycler is a simple game where you make decisions swiping a math statement right or left, asserting it to be true or false. You are able to customize difficulty and math operator and look at played games in your history list.

During the project I used a variety of libraries and techniques:

  • Activities and Fragments
  • ROOM local storage with Repositories
  • Viewmodels and LiveData
  • Remote data using the NumbersAPI
  • Animations using Lottie Animation

Content Management System

Made using github pages with 4 other students at the University Of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam, this project was my first ever web development project. It was part of a 3 part system architecture. It's purpose was to upload 3D models to the github repository through the github API. Another website could then fetch these models and show them in Augmented Reality on the web

During the project I used a variety of libraries and techniques:

  • VueJs
  • Git for version control
  • Github REST API
  • Bootstrap


Developed in Unity Engine, this is the first hobby project I finished. It contains 4 games: Snake, Breakout, MatchThree and TicTacToe. It also contains a menu from where you can pick the game you want to play. Programmed in C#, this project was meant to try to out some new techniques I had learned.

During the project I used a variety of libraries and techniques:

  • Singleton Pattern
  • Generics
  • C# events
  • C# delegates, lambda and anonymous functions